Monday, October 10, 2011

Blissful Mondays

I love Mondays! A few years ago, those words would not have been uttered in my mouth, nor typed. But these days I cherish the first day of the week. I start my week with an office yoga class, bright and early, and like today when I'm walking down the street towards the company where I teach, I love the feeling of a new week unfolding. New and fresh, with a lot of potential a head. And there's something about sniffing in fall's crisp morning air. And getting up early. When the city's still asleep, it's dark out and the only light comes from the candles you've lit. A cup of hot tea and just listening to the special sound of silence that you only find in the very first hours of the day. Morning bliss. Monday bliss.

My job as a yoga teacher gives me so much satisfaction, and I love that I can achually make a living out of my passion. I am living my dream.

Yesterday I deactivated my Facebook account, and felt an immediate sence of freedom and release. Beacause FB doesn't really bring me much of substance, a part from one, very cool music group. (Widen my musical horizon, please. Check it out, it's open to everyone, filled with great tunes!) Maybe I'll feel the desire to come back soon, but until then life seems more beautiful and real without it.

I broke my camera recently, but as soon as I get a new one (Ah, dreaming of a Leicha V Lux-30) I'll start posting pictures for weekly sequences.

Yoga Journal have several good sequences and tips for your home practice. Check out this link for a little yoga destressor at your desk;

This week's physical focus will be HIPOPENERS. We'll work on the consept of creating space; Noticing the pause between breaths. The pause between moving in and out of the different asanas. Imagining the pauses beteen the poses as achual poses. Can you reside in the pause?

So come flow with me this week. My dynamic flow classes are juicy, challenging and fun with a long yummy restorative relaxation at the end of class. In my other flow classes, we move more slowly, going deep into our practice and listen to the sound of silence. We need a little bit of both, so check out my weekly schedule at, and find the class suitable for your needs and desire<3

Go comfortable in the direction
of your dreams,
live the life you have

As you simplify 
your life,
the laws of the universe
will be simpler:
solitude will not be solitude
poverty will not be poverty,
nor weakness weakness.

Henry David Thoreau

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